
PGESCo earns ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification

PGESCo earns IAPWS associate membership signifying Egypt as the first country in Africa and MENA region to unanimously obtain it

PGESCo obtained USA International Copyright certification

PGESCo launches car sun shed powered by solar energy produces 24 thousand kw/h of clean energy annually

PGESCo: We added 4,720 MWs to the Egyptian national grid during 2015

PGESCo is the first runner in Africa to have ISO 9001:2015 certification

PGESCo confirms support to the Iraqi electricity sector

PGESCo Successfully finishes its services to Assuit power plant in 165 days

PGESCo finishes its services to Banha power plant

PGESCo Wins consultancy services for Assiut power plant 650 MW

PGESCo managed successfully operating first supercritical power plant in Egypt and the Middle East

PGESCo participates in the second exhibition for Iraqi Ministry of Electricity

PGESCo: 2014 witnessed continuous achievements and successes

Contracts Signature in Baghdad

ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007

PGESCo Photo Voltaic Pilot plant

PGESCo Award in the Golden Valve competition 2015

PGESCo Award in The Platinum Pipe Competition 2015

Reactive Power, Voltage Stability and Control Short Course

Golden Valve Award 2014