PGESCo’s Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health& Safety and Information Security Management Systems combined all the internal business management practices into one Integrated Management System (IMS).
PGESCo’s scope of services for Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management for power generation projects certified and approved for the following certificates
- ISO 9001:2015 standard for QMS, since September 2002.
- ISO 14001:2015 standard for EMS,since July 2014.
- OHSAS 18001:2007 standard for OHSMS,since July 2014.
- ISO 27001:2013 standard for ISMS,sinceJanuary 2017.
PGESCo’s IMS integrates all relevant components of a business into one coherent and rationale system so as to enable the optimal achievement of its business objectives.
PGESCo’s IMS continually assures the effective linkages to achieve seamless boundaries between processes.
PGESCo’s IMS is strongly committed to improve and verify that people, equipment, policies, documented information and business culture are optimized to implement the system processes effeceintly.
PGESCo’s IMS identifies typically, quality, safety, environmental and information security opportunities for management system improvement.